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Guess what we found!

To keep tabs on the project and help us meet our goals, we have developed a Monitoring and Adaptive Management plan. As part of this plan, we have been collecting data about the plants and critters we find along transects that run perpendicular to the shoreline (approximately moving south from the shoreline edge). We will also be keeping tabs on natural saltmarshes and oyster reefs near the project area that will serve as a reference point for evaluating the health of the installed living shoreline.


Maybe you’ve seen our team working: pulled over on the side of the road, paddling along the coast in kayaks, snorkeling in the bay? If you happen to come across some of our team members give them a holler, and we’re sure they’d be happy to discuss the Franklin-98 project with you!


Project monitoring found Shoal Grass, Manatee Grass and Star Grass are thriving within the Franklin-98 living shoreline project.
Blue crabs Hermit crabs, and pinfish have been spotted in the project area.
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