Long-Term Recovery Groups (LTRGs) are cooperative volunteer organizations comprised of representatives from faith-based, non-profit, government, business and other organizations working within a community to assist individuals and families as they recover from disaster.
LTRGs are as varied in their structure as are the communities they serve. The personality and operation of each group is unique and reflects local needs, available resources, cultural diversity, leadership style, and community support. No matter how a group is structured or what it calls itself, the goal is the same: to unite recovery resources with community needs in order to ensure that even the most valuable in the community recover from disaster.
In the immediate aftermath of Hurricane Michael, four (4) volunteer-based Long-Term Recovery Groups (LTRGs), have been established and continue to strengthen. The LTRGs in the ARPC region include:
Gadsden Strong Long-Term Recovery Group
Citizens of Gulf County Long-Term Recovery Group
Liberty Strong Long-Term Recovery Group
North Florida Inland Long-Term Recovery Group (serving Calhoun & Jackson Counties)
Recognizing the volunteers of each of these organizations are victims of Hurricane Michael and have been directly impacted themselves, these undaunted and dedicated local citizens constantly serve all residents in their respective counties. They work tirelessly and selflessly to find aid and assist individuals and families in recovery and in moving forward from their many losses, and provide services to support and sustain their physical, social, economic and spiritual well-being.